Session 11b – Hands Around the World

Projects to Explore, Engage, Enrich, Empower
Howie DiBlasi – His FETC 2011 Web Page

Listed top web sites for locating other classrooms worldwide to collaborate with on projects.

Video – The Networked Student

Sites to find partners for projects:
Classroom 2.0
ePals (ePals also provides students with free email accounts.)

Beginning collaboration – simple to do a “Who I am” cultural exchange. “Digital Community Storytelling”
Global Nomads 10 thematic Areas

This I Believe
Digital Hero Book project
Weekly German class podcast
Journey North and other Annenberg foundation materials
Other ideas: “Best Part of Me” “Our Town”

Tools: to build a digital “magazine rack” of web sites, blogs, etc.

Session 11 – Build It or They Will Come

Last Session, and it should be a good one! Hall Davidson, who presented our opening school address this year is the host. Immediately following, there is a drawing for two Droid tablets and a chance to be on the set of the TV show “MythBusters.” I can’t tell you how much Jeff Edmonds wants to win that!

In this session we’ll be using all our tech machines to learn why brick and mortar school districts need to adopt 2.0 strategies quickly or risk the erosion of their enrollment base.

THEY – means proprietary schools (for-profit)
….This looks like the same presentation he did in Oak Ridge, so I’m moving on across the hall to see Howie DiBlasi. Be Back soon!

Session 10 – The Amazing Algebra Toolbox for Teachers

Targeting technology tools and instructional materials for struggling students and students with disabilities in secondary classes working towards a standard diploma.

Ian Prietz – FDLRS
Wiki – Algebra Support Tools – Chapters and lessons for Alg 1 with tools.

Interactive Websites:
ExploreLearning Browse Gizmos – correlations to state standards – subscription based, but you can use it free for 5 minutes every day.
Shodor Interactivate – (google this)
Illuminations – by NCTM Lessons & Activities, by level, ready out of the box.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Nice tools for bar and pie charts and graphing. Has templates for interactive white boards (Activ/Smart)
TableauMore advanced statistical manipulations, has free trial version to download.
InspireData – From the Inspiration software people, one tool is an eSurvey that can be taken online, then the data can be analyzed very quickly. Publishes a code for your users to log in. Very quick and easy.

Alternative Calculators for students with disabilities:
MetaCalc – can go full screen for a really large display
eCalc – color coded large for full screen or downloadable. Includes a scientific calculator, but there’s a charge to download that.
CLIPS Calculator – Has graphing, conversion, scientific styles. Download as a swf for a flash drive.
MoffSoft FreeCalc – resizeable window with text box next to it. Can do a File>Print to turn student work in.

Number Sense
Gizmo at ExploreLearning: Good visualization for adding/subtracting positive and negative integers using chips.
Has area to sign up for free tools with video tutorials.

Balancing Equations
NLVM – Algebra Balancing Scales
WisWeb –
Algebra Touch for the iPad – YouTube video explains features; also has videos for the iTouch. ($3.00 app)

Homework Helpers
WebMath – Homework help; enter numbers into word problems and the program fills in the answers, but also explains how it got the numbers.
Microsoft Mathematics- free – has built in calculators, including graphing

Math Terms and Vocabulary
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
Math Glossary
Math is Fun Dictionary
Purplemath: Translating Word Problems

Session 9 – Leveraging Leadership: Critical Impact of Administrators on Tech Use

While I started out at Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Internet – I left that session after about 10 minutes. It was a little too simple but did make the points that with all the browsers that are out now, you might consider going to the help feature frequently to check for add-ons or new features to make your browsing more efficient and effective.

In this session, there was a lot of audience give-and-take about how their school promotes the use of technology. Suggestions for productive classroom observations, teacher leaders conducting workshops, short presentations in faculty meetings.

Presenter says the administrator should use technology in a manner that is appropriate to their role as an example. E-mail doesn’t count. That is no longer cutting edge! Build your toolbox with Blogs, Twitter, various collaboration document creation tools, RSS readers/feeds, and portable or mobile devices for observations and data collection.

Administrators should think of uses/needs and then have IT support them, rather than IT present a product and ask admin to use it.

Technology can be used by administrators to:

Promote Shared Vision – using blogs, wikis or any other media to display and communicate the PLN vision.

Establish Distributed Leadership – Collaboration sites for shared documents

Facilitate Conversations – Twitter, short emails,

What can administrators do to model appropriate use of technology?
Provide a model training room for teachers to use risk-free.
Admin only training sessions at the district level.
Ensure enough technical support for the buildings.

Session 8 – Virtual Manipulatives

What are the Advantages for Teaching Math Concepts?
Ted Hasselbring – Peabody College of Education/Vanderbilt University
Current research going on at Vanderbilt – Funded for a 3 yr study focused on At-Risk and kids on IEPs. (Special Ed/Educ Policy/Computer Science cohort of PIs)

Theory and Research – An iPad or something like that will be very useful in education to help students understand concepts better by using manipulatives.
Rationale – Even though empirical evidence supports the use of manipulatives during instruction about fractions, they are not widely used. Sometimes, it’s because they get misused by students, pieces go missing, etc. So, virtual manipulatives might provide representations that are just as meaningful as physical manipulatives. Tried to emulate actual physical manipulatives used in the classroom, like fraction strips of paper used on a desktop

Research – What is the effect on student learning? What is the advantage? Is it more time-efficient?

  • 10 days of fraction instruction.
  • 62% of students below grade level.
  • Entire 5th grade of an urban charter school.
  • Randomly assigned either to virtual or physical manipulatives
  • Day 5 and Day 10 assessments
  • By Day 10 there was a statistical advantage to being in the virtual manipulative groups over the physical manipulative groups. Perhaps, because kids spent more time practicing, since they were more engaged in using a game-like practice program.

    Interpretation: There is no disadvantage to using virtual manipulatives.

    Dr. Hasselbring feels the study is generalizable to other groups, that with the advent of newer technologies being more available to students such as the iPad, there will be more virtual manipulative “kits” available. Over the next three years, they will be working also on adding more games and assessments.