MS/HS Collaborative PD

I had the opportunity to join a group of math teachers during our systemwide PD yesterday after school. The teachers watched a presentation on “Growth Mindset” from TenMarks, one of our online math tools, independently from their classrooms. We then met as a whole group at the high school.
The topic was Technology Integration since the middle schools have been 1:1 since January (some grades from October.) This was a chance for the high school teachers to hear how the middle school teachers have been modifying their teaching since all students bring a tablet to class.

Questions ranged from “Do they actually bring their tablet to class every day?” (Yes, although they may not be fully charged.) to which software tools are most beneficial. At least two of the HS teachers have already set up courses in Canvas and have been accepting assignments online.

I was happy that the HS math teachers were seeking out advice and suggestions from the middle school teachers, and glad that I heard the suggestions – so I know what training will be needed. I hope that each department will schedule time to meet with their middle school counterparts and begin to consider what they can do differently next year if our 9th and 10th graders come to class with tablets…and please invite me to join you!

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